An Exploration of Geological, Geophysical, Seismological, and Astrophysical Evidence for an Earth Constructed by an Advanced Race or Races in the Distant Past


Dear Friends of Ancient History,
My book-in-progress “Who Built the Earth?” comprises scientific evidence in support of the Artificial Planet theory, which proposes that the earth was constructed by an advanced race or races in the distant past. The book’s estimated completion date is October 2024. Chapter titles are below.
Jock Doubleday

“Earth is an artifact.”

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(Image credit: NASA)


1. Artifact Earth
Was Earth Formed by Natural Gravitational Accretion?

2. Expanding Earth
Earth Was Smaller in the Distant Past, Allowing Megaflora and Megafauna to Flourish

3. Hollow Earth, Hollow Moon, Hollow Sun
The Shells of Earth and the Moon Surround Open, Habitable Cores; the Sun Is a Hollow Portal

4. Continental Terraforming
The True Ancients Built the Continents:
ountains, Hills, Valleys, Riverbeds, and Creek Beds Were Constructed in Stages

5. The Recent Birth of Venus and the Present-Day Creation of Saturn’s Rings
Are All Planets and Moons in the Solar System Artificial?

6. The Big Bang that Wasn’t
We Live in a Universe of Infinite Time and Ever-Changing Toroidal (Recurring) Space

7. The Gold-Veined Earth
The Peculiar Obsession of the Gods Who Came Before

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